health insurance policy

What documentation do I receive when contracting the insurance policy?

You will receive the following documents by email:

  • Particular conditions: document detailing the specific characteristics of your health policy.
  • Health declaration: document detailing the circumstances known to the insured, previously completed for risk assessment.
  • General Conditions: document that contains the stipulations and regulations governing your insurance contract.
  • Provisional electronic card: document that will allow you access to the benefits of the policy until it is physically received.

When can I start using my insurance after receiving the policy?

You can take advantage of the insurance from the effective date of the policy, taking into account that the grace periods must be respected for certain types of coverage.

I have not yet received the policy and I need to see a specialist, what should I do?

Contact your SMarina Alta Health Insurance office and request the provisional health card. The professional or the center can use it to identify you as an Insured.

How can I cancel my policy?

The Policyholder may oppose the renewal of the policy as long as they notify the Insurer in writing at least one month before the expiration date. You can apply:

  • Through the contact email:
  • In our offices.

What is the expiration date of my policy?

The insurance is stipulated for the period from its subscription to the following twelve months, as provided for in the particular conditions and upon expiration, in accordance with article 22 of the Insurance Contract Law, it will be tacitly extended for annual periods

How can I terminate a deceased Insured?

You can make the request:

  • Through the contact email: (attaching the death certificate of the Insured).< /li>
  • In our offices.

Health card

What is the health card of Seguros de Salud Marina Alta?

It is the nominative, personal and non-transferable document that will allow you to access the health benefits described in your policy.

I have lost my health card, how can I get another one?

In case of loss of the card, you can request a duplicate through the following means:

  • Through the Insured area of ​​our website.
  • Requesting contact email:
  • On the phone 688 860 862
  • At the SMarina Alta Health Insurance Office.

Can I go to a medical specialist or have a treatment or test without a health card?

The health card of SSeguros de Salud Marina Alta is the document that allows you to identify yourself as a company Insured, so it is essential to go to a medical appointment with the card. If for some reason you do not have the physical card, you can request the provisional one by any of the means detailed in the previous point.

I have received the health card and I see erroneous data, what do I do?

In the event that you receive the card and see an error in the name or surname of the Insured, you must request a new card indicating the error by any of the following means:

  • Sending an email to
  • On the phone 688 860 862
  • In person at the Marina Alta Health Insurance S office


What is an authorization?

Conformity given by the company so that an insured can agree to carry out a certain test or treatment.

What services need authorization?

In general terms, we can say that authorization is needed to perform the following services:

  • Hospital admissions.
  • Surgical interventions.
  • High-tech diagnostic tests.
  • Treatments.

What services do not need authorization?

They don't need authorization:

  • Primary care services.
  • Consultations with medical specialists.
  • Conventional diagnostic tests.

How can I authorize a service?

You can request an authorization in the following ways:

What documentation do I have to provide to authorize a service?

The prescription of the specialist doctor is necessary, as well as the health card number or DNI of the Insured of SMarina Alta Health insurance who is going to carry out the test or treatment

How long does it take to give me an authorization?

If you request authorization at our offices or by phone, you will receive it instantly. By email or through the website, within 24/48 hours. (except holidays and weekends).

Does the authorization expire?

The authorization to carry out a treatment is valid for forty-five days from the date of issue.

The authorization to carry out a surgical intervention has an effective date, therefore, in case of cancellation, suspension or delay you must contact the company

Is it necessary to authorize a medical consultation?

It is only necessary to authorize a medical consultation for the following specialists;

  • Any home service, except general medicine EMERGENCY.
  • Pain treatment.

Is it necessary to go to the Marina Alta Health Insurance office to manage a specific authorization?

It is necessary in case you must provide documentation requested by the company.


What is a grace period?

It is the time interval during which some of the coverages included in the policy guarantees are not effective. Said term is computed by months counted from the date of registration of each of the Insured included in it

What are the most common grace periods?

  • In the case of high-tech diagnostic tests, the grace period is 6 months.
  • For hospital admissions and surgical interventions, this period is 8 months.

*The waiting periods are established in the general conditions of your policy.

I have health insurance from another company, and I want to contract with Marina Alta Health Insurance, what happens with deficiencies?

In this case, the deficiencies in the coverages that you have contracted in the policy of origin will not be applied, for this, it is necessary that you provide us with the documentation required by the company.

In the same policy, can there be insured with deficiencies and others without them?

Yes, that possibility can be given. If there are Insureds who come from another company, their deficiencies will be eliminated, while if there are Insureds who have not previously had health insurance, they will apply.

Doctors and centers

Can I go directly to the chosen specialist?

Yes, as long as you have made a prior appointment except for consultations with pain treatment and home services (except general medicine EMERGENCIES) for which you will need authorization from the company.

Having the insurance with Seguros de Salud Marina Alta, can I go to any medical specialist or center?

The Insured can go to any professional or center belonging to the group of specialists provided by the company.

Displaced Assistance

What if I'm abroad?

In this case, Marina Alta Health Insurance also makes emergency coverage available to its Insured for a maximum of 90 days per trip or displacement, and with a limit of 12,000 euros

What do I have to do to apply for assistance?

In case you need emergency assistance in Spain, you should call the customer service number of Seguros de Salud Marina Alta, 688 860 862